In Case of Emergency

St. Ambrose University is committed to maintaining a safe environment in which to study, work, and live. Even so, emergencies can happen. Informing yourself now could make all the difference to your safety and security if an emergency occurs.

  • In the event of an emergency, REMAIN CALM. 
  • Stop, think, then act. 
  • Your first decision: To evacuate or "shelter in place" (remain where you are)

Emergency kits
The Department of Homeland Security and Red Cross recommend all students have a first aid kit, flashlight, and drinking water in their room.

Follow directions of emergency personnel.
Secure hazardous materials or equipment.
Take personal belongings (keys, purses, wallets, cell phones, etc.), except where otherwise noted.
Use the nearest exit. If it's blocked, use an alternate exit.
Do not use elevators.
Help account for individuals and report the locations of persons who could not leave (such as persons with disabilities or special needs) to emergency responders.
Do not attempt to evacuate the central campus area by vehicle, as this will impede emergency vehicles arriving to assist with the incident.

Shelter in Place
Stay quiet and calm.
Silence cell phones and other electronic devices.
Pay attention to your surroundings.
Follow directions of emergency personnel.
Be prepared to consider evacuation at any point.


Take a few minutes now to read and think about how to respond in the event of the following types of emergencies:
Severe Weather
Suspicious Person or Object
Bomb Threat
Acts of Violence on Campus
Hazardous Materials Release
Infrastructure Failure
Weapons of Mass Destruction
Additional Resources

In the event of severe weather, tune in to local radio or television stations to monitor the severity. Personnel permitting, Campus Security will work with Residence Life to notify persons in the event of a tornado warning. If a tornado warning is indicated, take steps to minimize potential damage, and heed instructions from University officials and emergency personnel. Generally, it is safer on the ground floor or basements of buildings, especially in rooms without windows. If such an area is not available, hallways or bathrooms provide some coverage. For additional protection, get under a piece of sturdy furniture such as a workbench, desk, or heavy table. Remain in the protected area until the warning has been canceled.

Severe Rains and Flooding:
In the event flooding occurs on campus, it is generally small scale and will not require evacuation; however, Campus Security will monitor the situation and communicate with the campus as needed. During severe weather, please tune in to local radio or television stations to monitor the situation. Please follow the instructions of staff and emergency services personnel. If you have to be out during heavy rain remember the following guidelines:

  • Avoid floodwaters, as these may be contaminated with chemicals or sewage.
  • Do not walk through moving water. Six inches of moving water can make you fall. If you have to walk in water, walk where the water is not moving. Use a stick to check the firmness of the ground in front of you.
  • Do not drive into flooded areas. If floodwaters rise around your car, abandon it and move to higher ground if you can do so safely. You and the vehicle can be quickly swept away.
    • If you must drive during flood conditions: Six inches of water will reach the bottom of most passenger cars causing loss of control and possible stalling. One foot of water will float many vehicles. Two feet of rushing water can carry away most vehicles including sport utility vehicles (SUVs) and pick-ups.

Every student, faculty and staff member should know the location of the nearest fire exit and fire fighting equipment. In case of fire, the following recommendations will help ensure safe and efficient evacuation from the building. 1) Isolate fire by closing any doors.
2) Pull nearest fire alarm.
3) Evacuate building immediately and stay at least 75 feet away.
4) Follow all staff instructions.
5) Call to report fire. If the door is too hot to touch: 1) Do not try to open door. Remain in room.
2) Wedge towels or clothes under door to keep smoke out.
3) Open window and wave a sheet or towel.
4) Stay low, breathe fresh air near window.
5) If possible, dial 911 and report your situation and location. If the door is cool and hallway clear: 1) Exit via nearest stairwell.
2) Close all doors as you leave.
3) If there is heavy smoke in a stairwell, go back and try another exit.
4) If all exits are blocked, go back to your room. Close your door and signal for help from the window.

Suspicious Behavior

  • Do not let any unknown person into a locked building/office or allow them to follow behind you into the building.
  • Do not confront the person.
  • Do not block the person's exit.
  • Call Campus Security at 563-333-6104 and provide as much information as possible.

Suspicious Object

  • If you see an unknown object that appears out of place, do not touch or disturb it.
  • Call Campus Security at 563-333-6104.
  • Be prepared to evacuate.

If you receive a bomb threat by phone, listen for the following information and/or ask the caller the following questions:

  • WHERE is the bomb?
  • WHEN will it explode?
  • WHAT kind of bomb is it?
  • WHEN was it placed?

Immediately notify Campus Security at 563-333-6104.


While there is no single way to prevent violent acts on campus, please be alert to your surroundings and immediately report any persons acting suspiciously to Campus Security. If you believe you have heard the sounds of a weapon(s) firing in a building you are in, prepare to defend yourself and determine whether you should immediately evacuate the building or go into a room and lock the door. Stay away from windows and doors and keep low to the ground. Only you can determine whether to evacuate, stay, or defend yourself.

In the event of a shooting, the Security Department will work closely with the Davenport Police Department to isolate and resolve the situation. The Davenport Police Department will determine the best time and routes for evacuation. Campus Security will also work as quickly as possible to lock building doors and communicate with the campus community. (see Campus Emergency Notification)


  • Evacuate the building as quickly and calmly as possible.
  • Call 911 and/or Campus Security 563-333-6104.
  • If trapped in debris, tap on a pipe or wall to alert rescuers.
  • Where safe, and without attempting to lift or carry a person, help others exit, and move away from the building.
  • If items are falling, get under a sturdy table or desk.
  • If fire is present, stay low to the floor and exit the building.
  • Untrained persons should not try to rescue people who are inside a collapsed building. Wait for emergency personnel and inform them of the location of trapped persons.


  • Unless you know otherwise, treat all spills as hazardous-extinguish any open sources of flames.
  • For major spills (large volume and/or difficult to contain), immediately call 911.
  • Evacuate, assemble at a safe distance, and designate someone who will speak with emergency responders upon their arrival.
  • Notify emergency responders if you have been exposed.
  • For all other spills: Immediately call Housekeeping at 563-333-6051, M-F, 8 a.m.-5 p.m., or Campus Security at 563-333-6104 after hours.


  • In case of water, power, heat or cooling outages: contact the Physical Plant at 563-333-6359.
  • Internal telephone systems outages: use cell phone to contact Voice Communications at 563-333-6359.
  • In case of a critical incident related to computer systems, contact IT at 563-333-6368.

If after normal business hours (for any of the above), call 563-333-6104.

In the event a threat of large-scale destruction is made to the campus community, such as a bomb threat, the Security Department will work with the Davenport Police and Fire Departments to evaluate the threat and respond appropriately. This response may or may not include evacuating buildings or sections of campus. Campus Security will then work to communicate with the campus community.

For information or assistance regarding persons with disabilities, contact Accessibility Resource Center at 563-333-6275.

For information or assistance regarding someone who appears injured or sick, contact Student Health Services at 563-333-6423.

For information or assistance regarding a person who is struggling with a personal issue or who appears to be experiencing a psychological or emotional crisis, contact the Counseling Center at 563-333-6423.

For information on all other types of emergencies, or if you cannot reach someone in the appropriate office, contact Campus Security at 563-333-6104. As always, dial 911 for emergencies.


Bob Christopher, Director

Security Office
Rogalski Center, 2nd floor
518 W. Locust St.
Davenport, IA 52803

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